A warm welcome to my storytelling blog

Thank you for looking at my blog.
Stories can please, thrill, delight, enchant, challenge, distract, tease, disappoint, anger, charm, patronize, disgust, beguile......
But I personaly believe thay can do no harm.
I would be delighted if you were to leave feed back.

11 Apr 2010

It been a while

I've missed filling in the blog the last while just because I have been busy doing other things, all to do with storytelling of course!
I've just got back from the hospital and thought I'd sit down and catch up strait away. Since the last time I blogged I've done four clubs on the wards, and impromptu storytelling on the ward I work on day to day. I have started taking objects into the wards, such as a fan, some silk roses one red one white, some un-carded wool, a rough old root from a tree that looks like a lot of different creatures, depending on how you look at it. A Russian doll, a piece of colourful fabric. The idea is to create a story or just explore where the objects came from? Who's where they? Are they magical? are they quite ordinary? The seem to spice up the imagination and create a sense of fun.
I've also been working on a hand-out for the workshop I'll be doing next Saturday at the International Psychiatric nurses Congress in Prague. Needless to say I have also been quite preoccupied with preparing the actual workshop too. I am looking forward to it with mixed feelings of worry and exhilaration. In the next week or two the article I wrote will be published in the 'Quality Network In Forensic Mental Health Newsletter'. Watch this blog to get the link.
Sadly I could not make the Newent Storytelling club due to work commitments but did go to the Wolverhampton club run by Peter Chand. It was very vibrant and good to be able to tell a story to so many listeners, and listen to so many stories. If anybody is wondering whether its worth going to Wolverhampton for the storytelling club, I'd say its well worth it.

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